Pay 2025 Dues Dress as a Famous Person Doors Open at 5:30 Seabreeze Rec Ctr
Pay 2025 Dues Dress as a Famous Person Doors Open at 5:30 Seabreeze Rec Ctr
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The Single Golfers of the Villages (SGV) Club includes people from diverse backgrounds who live in The Villages and have two things in common: first, they are legally single, and second, they love to play golf and socialize. If you are not already a member, we hope the information provided will assist you in making the decision to join this fun, lively, and friendly organization. Please peruse this home page to learn about the SGV Club golfing activities, monthly meetings, and social events, and how to join and participate.
Applications for new membership are accepted at any time. The New Member Application is Below.
If you are legally single and interested in becoming a member of Single Golfers of The Villages (SGV), please complete the application form from the link below.
The SGV yearly dues cover the period starting April 1st of the current year through March 31st of the next year. New members will pay dues for the current year during the application process. The dues are not prorated. The new member fee is $25 which includes $20 for current year dues and $5 for a name badge. Current members pay their renewal dues between January 1st and the end of February each year.
New Member Application Process
Single Golfers of the Villages (SGV) was created to bring people together to enjoy the game of golf and meet new friends. SGV's goal is to offer members a variety of golf and social activities.
The following golf events are offered to our members:
Executive Golf (Every Tuesday, and 2nd and 4th Sunday of the month)
18-Hole Championship Golf (2nd and 4th Saturday of the month)
Nine & Dine Golf (every Wednesday June thru Oct and as scheduled the rest of the year)
Once a month SGV has a meeting/social on the last Thursday of the month at Seabreeze Recreational Center for members to meet, socialize and enjoy some form of entertainment (music, dancing, guest speaker, entertainer, games, etc.)
SGV was formed in March 2012. Bob Miotke was the original Permit Holder and founder, along with John Green and Linda Hunter, who developed the original website, and Cris Stelling, who handled membership.
SGV is governed by the current Permit Holder who delegates responsibility to a Steering Committee of 5-15 members. The Permit Holder is usually the head of this committee. Steering Committee and golf coordinators are volunteers who offer their services freely to benefit the Club.